Turnkey project management - Customer service model

STANCE covered all about project management, right from “Feasibility and Specification” to “Go Live”. STANCE’s Turnkey really means that you have to start using it by turning the keys “ON”.


Special purpose machine

Sometimes custom-made machines are necessary to achieve your goal. This can be developed against a problem, with the intention to dissolve /mitigate the problem. (or) Simply to improve the current situation. STANCE helps you to bring all your idea into reality.

Special Purpose Machines
Industrial washing machine

We have to pay attention to the industrial washing process as like we care about any other key processes. Cleanliness is one of the key quality criteria in automotive, aviation, FMCG, and many more industries. STANCE in collaboration with its strategic partner provides high-end cutting edge cleaning solutions

Industrial Cleaning Machines


Turnkey project management - capital investment

“Today’s seed is tomorrow’s tree” Investments are one way to build and maximize the ability to be profitable in the long term. Placing the right resources in the right place at the right time is crucial in Business Management.

“Consider, and then undertake a matter; after having undertaken it, to say “we will consider”, is folly”. – Thirukkural (467)

Planning, budgeting, time and scope control, team management, stakeholders management, communication management, project uncertainty, and risk management, change management, learn from mistakes, are essential elements in managing projects and complex investments.

Having dedicated resources or managing resource shortfalls are challenging for any organization that wants to fulfill the objectives through projects/investments. With STANCE’s know-how in project management and the strong industrial network, it is easy to work parallelly on multiple projects and to attain the organization’s goal on time.

STANCE can manage any type of industrial project with the offering of comprehensive end-end turnkey project management.



Gasline systems

Nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, oxyfuel lines, nitrous oxide, ammonia, (or) simply, flammable, non-flammable, and corrosive gases. STANCE offers world-class gas handling systems (Manifolds, regulators, piping, leak detectors, high pressure, and high flow versions) with complete supply, installation, testing, and training.

Complete Gas Line Systems
water line systems

Raw water, RO, DM water lines for machinery and for plant management with complete plant, supply lines, and automation as required.

Water Line Systems
air line systems

Air supply for entire plant management or for machinery with compressor, reservoirs, filters, and complete control systems.

Air Line Systems
hot water generator and hot water line systems

STANCE offers compact hot water generators and complete best-in-class thermal insulated hot water pipelines to the machinery with control systems.

HWG, Thermal Insulated piping & Control Systems
Heavy structural engineering

Heavy mezzanine floors for machinery or for offices and playing stadium setup and all heavy structural engineering products and services.

Heavy Structural Engineering
Heavy stainless steel fabrications

Heavy tanks and tunnels are made up of stainless steel with all systems and controls integrations for functional requirements.

Heavy Stainless Steel Fabrications


Productivity improvement

How efficient is our resource management? How strong are our methods/techniques? These two are obvious questions when we want to improve productivity.

Productivity Improvement
Quality improvement

Performance, feature, conformance, reliability durability, service, response, aesthetics, reputation. Quality has got multi-dimensions. Having higher CPQ is nothing but losing competitiveness. More than you and me a small shop floor group can improve a lot. Train, motivate and empowering people can work magically in long term.

Quality Improvement
Safety improvement

If you think, safety is a separate process, then there is a higher chance for failure. Safety is an integral portion of any activity, and everyone is responsible to set, perform and deliver safe work. A simple 5’s+1’s can improve shop floor safety.

Safety Improvement
Delivery improvement

OTD is often a challenging parameter for many organizations. How JIT concepts are performed? Delivery is well associated with all your supply chain and planning, some strategic decisions are necessary. OTD is one of the key parameters in customer satisfaction.

Delivery Improvement
Cost improvement

Unless you made it into your culture, it is difficult to bring a cost optimization culture. Make it right at the beginning, and fine-tune it over the period. Cost optimization is a must to remain competitive in the market. Any improvement made in the view of optimizing cost must be properly validated for all key aspects.

Cost optimization requires data collection/studies, tools, and techniques. STANCE’s know-how on cost optimization helps industries to get real cost benefits. As STANCE offers complete turnkey project management, we conduct complete studies and implement required changes.

Cost (OPEX) Optimization


Lean manufacturing

Lean manufacturing is not just, headcount reduction or layout change. Lean is all about eliminating wastes, thereby improving the overall process cycle efficiency.

The very first step is to understand the process and its different elements and construct a valid “Current State VSM”. Implementing lean manufacturing practices will improve many areas; improved efficiency/utilization, inventories, layout spaces, method of performing a job/activity, the flow of the goods, delivery performances, etc. STANCE’s offering is completely turnkey project management, we conduct complete studies and implements all required changes.

Lean Manufacturing Implementation